Infoday EIT / Creative Europe / Horizon Europe
European funding for cultural cooperation info session. Arts, culture, science and technology projects
Infoday Conference Cluster II
2 October 2024, from 10:00h to 14:00h
Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus
The European Commission supports the cultural and creative sectors through different programmes and initiatives. In this conference, we will learn about the main funding lines of two European programmes, Creative Europe – Culture sub-programme – and Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society of Horizon Europe, with special emphasis on the existing opportunities for projects that combine art, culture, science and technology. In addition, there will be case studies of beneficiary projects, and a session where suggestions and recommendations for submitting a proposal to the Creative Europe Culture European Cooperation Projects call for proposals will be shared. We will also learn about the work of the EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology and its actions for European cooperation.
Isabel Pérez Gálvez
Técnica – Oficina Europa Creativa Cultura
Ministerio de Cultura
Aïda Díaz Sáez
Cluster 2 National Contact Point
Departamento de Investigación e Innovación – Generalitat de Catalunya
Use case: Project SCENE: Searchable multi-dimensional Data Lakes supporting Cognitive Film Production & Distribution for the Promotion of the European Cultural Heritage
Francisco Javier Iglesias Gracia
General Manager
Fundación Épica la Fura dels Baus
Áurea Rodríguez
EIT Culture&Creativity CLC SouthWest
Isabel Pérez Gálvez
Técnica – Oficina Europa Creativa Cultura
Ministerio de Cultura
Laura Benítez Valero
Artistic Director
End of session