European Performing Science Night (EPSN)
Experimentation and discussion on natural and artificial ecosystems
Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus
27 & 28 september, from 20:00h to 22:00h
More info
European Performing Science Night (EPSN) is an art and science event framed within the European Performing Science Program (EPSP) project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 101162558. The project, which is based on the combination of scientific excellence and performing arts as a common language, involves the Computer Vision Center (CVC), the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). The aim of this initiative is to reduce the distance between science and society, bringing the public closer to researchers and their work, the benefits they bring to society and their impact on everyday life in an experiential and emotional way.
EPSN starts from an ongoing process, a workshop in which around 25 creatives and different research groups in science and technology participate. Ecosystems, both natural and artificial are addressed as a main theme. On the one hand, digital systems driven by Artificial Intelligence have reached an authoritative role that guides and, in many cases, imposes our way of life in society. Our daily decisions are driven by these technological systems, which in turn are led by industry and business. What we eat, what we like, where we work and how we live are decided or influenced by invisible networks of algorithms.
On the other hand, natural ecosystems remain fundamental to the survival and well-being of all species, including humans. As digital systems become increasingly integrated into our lives, it is crucial to understand how these two types of ecosystems interact and coexist.
The workshop focuses on exploring these complex dynamics, seeking strategies to foster a harmonious coexistence between natural and artificial ecosystems.
The collaboration between science and technology researchers and creatives leads them to present an event on 27 and 28 September that combines different languages and disciplines, where the role of the audience is reconsidered.

Finally, EPSN is part of the European Researchers’ Night, a scientific dissemination project promoted by the European Commission that has been held simultaneously in almost 400 European cities since 2005. In Spain, there are seven projects funded by the Commission for the years 2024 and 2025, in addition to two other associated projects.
Meet the partners of European Performing Science Night
The European Performing Science Night is led by Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus in collaboration with other three consortium partners from Spain.
Meet the partners dedicated to promoting the initiative:
More information about the EPSN event & EPSP official website